Guest article by Mostafa Mostafania

My name is Mostafa Mostafania. I lived in Rasht, Iran, and grew up in a non-religious family.
I had many questions about Islamic teachings and why they are so different from people’s daily lives. In addition, my studies in physics and mathematics had changed my view of the religion. Since I also studied Islamic philosophy and law about 10 years ago, my view of the religion changed and I left it.
While still in Iran, I learned about the concept of atheism and found it to be exactly in line with my own thoughts. After I left the university, I criticized religion more and more and propagated atheism. I collaborated with many self-confident people and used social media to share my thoughts with the others.
I made many friends who agreed with me and I even wrote a book on the subject, this sparked the interest of many atheists. As a result, in 2019, Iranian government agents tried to arrest me and I was no longer safe. This situation forced me to leave my country to save my life. Now I have been sentenced to prison in absentia in Iran.
Despite these circumstances, my application for asylum was not accepted by the German government and I can no longer be sure that I will be able to stay in Germany.
It is no longer possible for me to return to Iran.
My heart’s desire is that with the efforts of people like me, the day will come when not only my country will be ruled by a secular government.
I hope that they will open people’s eyes and that they will not be deceived by those who tell lies in the name of Islam and that science will be taught instead of religion.
I am very grateful to Atheist Refugee Relief because they helped me a lot and supported me under these difficult circumstances.
And they gave me so much hope.