Sherif Gaber, ägyptischer Blogger, braucht dringend Hilfe

Im Oktober 2018 wurde der Pass des Bloggers Sherif Gaber an einem ägyptischen Flughafen beschlagnahmt. Er kann das Land nicht mehr verlassen. Außerdem laufen verschiedene „Blasphemie“-Anklagen gegen ihn.

Bitte teilt dieses Video!
(Das Video hat Englischen Untertitel)

“ – After many months of trying everything, I decided to make this video. In it, I share many details about my situation and why it’s more complicated than many people think. I also couldn’t share some other more important details because of how dangerous it will be. For example, all the details about booking the flights with the names of the hotels and the ticket numbers that I’ve booked. Such details will reveal a lot of info that some people can track me with. Also, things that happened to me while being interrogated and while in prison but I couldn’t share it. But if one day I left Egypt, I’ll talk about all this publicly with evidence so that you understand more about this country and why I had to leave.

“ – Some of you who have contacted me in the past few months know how much I’ve tried and know how unpleasant it is for me to make this video. I already know how hard it’s to get that money and how almost impossible for a country to give me citizenship while I’m in here but I’m doing this for me. I can’t give up now. There’s so much in this life that’s worth living for.

“ – I never asked to share, comment or even like any of my videos. But this time I need that. Every support I get and every share gets me closer to freedom.

“Please share this video.

“Thank you”